
2022-23 SDKPA Group Leader Policy

2022-08-25 22:51
1. Group Leaders must use appropriate language and exhibit proper behavior at all times, setting a good example and being a proper role model for young SDKPA members and peers.

2. Group leaders must fully attend the Group Leader Training. (The training time does not count towards volunteer hours)

3. Online Book Club Meetings (September 2022 -May 2023)
    a. Group Leaders are required to host a total of nine (9) virtual monthly Book Club meetings from September 2022 through May 2023, via Zoom or Google Meet.
    b. Each meeting should last 1-1.5 hours and the Leader must attend from start to finish to achieve attendance.
    c. You must send out the Zoom/Google Meet link and passcode when sending out the homework to the members.
    d. You shall use the books and articles assigned by the SDKPA Book Club.

4. In-Person Meetings
    a. The SDKPA may require the participants to comply with additional precautions in addition to the guidelines of the CDC and the government for the safety and health of the participants when there are in-person group meetings held and/or approved by the SDKPA.

5. Article Research Assignment
    a. Leaders are required to research articles that would be appropriate and ideal material for Book Club members and submit one (1) Article Research Report during the entire school year using the Google Form link in the SDKPA library.
    b. The due dates for the respective Article Research Reports are as follows:
        i. August 15th, 2022 by 11:59 PM

6. The roles and responsibilities of you as a Book Club Group Leader are as follows:
    a. Read the assigned book and article for that month and prepare and send a homework assignment and the homework form to your group members. Please refer to the SDKPA Homepage (http://sdkpa.org) or other online resources to find appropriate material in preparing the homework.
    b. The homework directly affects the group members’ points, so giving out homework is mandatory.
    c. Send out the homework along with Meeting Link, Password and the Homework Form to the group members at least 1-2 weeks prior to the meeting, and have the group members send their completed homework to you via email prior to the Book Club meeting date.
    d. Make sure to include a summary of the group members’ opinions of the book in the Evaluation section of your After Meeting Report.
    e. The meeting must take place during the relevant month. Leaders must be punctual and if the meeting date or time needs to be adjusted, the Leader must contact the Group Mom well in advance of the meeting to adjust the schedule.
    f. Due to the Covid-19, all Book Club meetings must take place online. All Group Leaders must abide by the following rules:
        i. During the online meeting, the Leader and all members must have their cameras on at all times and make their faces visible at all times.
        ii. The Group Leader must be online at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
        iii. The Group Leader must inform the group members that recording the meeting is not permitted, and must also go over online meeting etiquette prior to starting the meeting. The Group Leader should also advise the group members that if they create disruptive sounds or visuals unrelated to the meeting they will be forced to leave the meeting and will not be allowed to return.
        iv. Group Leaders must prepare their After Meeting Reports in earnest. The SDKPA Leader Team will send a warning email to Leaders who have prepared sloppy After Meeting Reports, or if necessary, request a meeting with the Leader.
    g. After Meeting Reports must be submitted by 11:59 pm on the first day of the following month using the Google Form link available on the SDKPA homepage. Submission of the After Meeting Report is recorded based on the submission time, not the start time, so please give yourself enough time to complete and submit the report by 11:59 pm of the due date.

7. The SDKPA will issue a Volunteer Service Certificate to Leaders who have faithfully performed their leadership role. Volunteer Service hours include Article Research Report preparation time (researching the article and preparing the Article Research Report), book club meeting preparation time (reading the book/article + preparation of the discussion, activities, reviewing member homework, preparing the After Meeting Report) and the actual Book Club meeting time. The SDKPA will only accept up to 10 volunteer hours per month.

8. In the event of a lost book, the Leader must pay $15 to cover the replacement of the book and any packaging costs. In the case of a damaged book, a $5 ~ $15 fine will be charged depending on the condition of the book, which will be determined by the SDKPA Book Club. There will be a late fee of $10 for books returned after the due date.

9. Rules for Disqualification: 4 penalty points will disqualify you from serving as a leader the following year. You will still be required to finish out the current year.
    a. A Leader will receive 1 penalty point when he/she:
         i. does not read the assigned book by the time the of the Book Club Meeting
        ii. does not set up and/or send the online meeting link and password to the group members by the day before the scheduled meeting date.
        iii. does not submit the After Meeting Report on time (due date is 11:59 pm on the first day of following month.)
        iv. does not submit the Article Research Report on time.
        v. is more than 30 minutes late or misses the Book Club meeting without advance notice (except in emergency situations.)
        vi. receives a legitimate complaint from a parent or group member in connection with the Leader’s lackluster preparation/hosting of the Book Club meeting, as determined by the SDKPA Leader Team
    b. Exception: The SDKPA has the right to disqualify a leader in the case of drug use, expulsion, etc., regardless of the rules for disqualification set forth above.

10. All SDKPA announcements will be sent directly to Leaders at the email the Leader provided to the SDKPA; Leaders are therefore responsible to check and read the emails from the SDKPA.

11. If a Leader must withdraw from the SDKPA Book Club due to inevitable circumstances such as moving to another state or an illness, he/she must prepare a written statement explaining the circumstances and send the statement to the SDKPA via email at least one month prior to the withdrawal date.
    a. Even though a leader moves to another area in the middle of the school year, he/she must continue as Group Leader to his/her assigned group until the end of the school year.
    b. If there is a shortage of leaders in other areas, with the consent of the SDKPA executive board, a Leader may act as Group Leader for a Book Club group in an area other than the area the Leader belongs to.

12. Leaders can utilize the SDKPA Homepage (https://sdkpa.org) as a reference point, research tool, or to share their ideas.

13. Leaders are always welcome to contact the SDKPA staff by email (leaderteam@sdkpa.org) and/or leave a comment in the Remarks section of the After Meeting Report, if he/she has any questions or concerns about the Book Club meeting.

14. Photographs taken during the Book Club can be used to promote the SDKPA Book Club, for example, BOOK PARTY, SDKPA Homepage, magazine, etc.