Science Club 게시판

[2023-2024] (학생용) SDKPA Science Club Member’s Pledge

2023-08-05 17:29
As a member of SDKPA Science club, I  <<Member’s Official Name>>  promise to take part in the science club with diligence from September 2023 to May 2024 by following the rules listed below. 
  1. I will attend the science club meeting each month, monthly meetings can be substituted for Field Trip or Science Fair. ☑ 
  2. I will follow the leader's instructions and be actively involved in the science club activities. ☑ 
  3. I will co-operate and respect other members during the science club meetings. ☑ 
  4. I will not claim liability against the science club or the family who provided their home to hold a science club meeting, for any illnesses that have been contracted from or any accidents that might have happened during the meeting. ☑ 
  5. A science club member should attend 9 science club meetings. Points will be accrued according to the following schedule (maximum 9 points) ☑ 
Attendance (1 point for each science club meeting) 

It will be restricted to enroll following school year if absences are accumulated three or more times.
  1. I will comply with additional precautions required by the SDKPA in addition to the guidelines of the CDC and the government for the safety and health of the participants.
  2. I will report absence to my group leader and group parent if I have any symptoms of Covid 19 or test positive.
SDKPA reserves the right to disqualify any member of the science club who does not follow the science club rules. 
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